bou·stro·phe·don [boo-struh-feed-n, -fee-don, bou-]

An ancient method of writing in which the lines run alternately from right to left and from left to right.

↓ Transcript

[ Panel 1 ]
GENTLEMAN 1: I don’t understand… why did you write this?
GENTLEMAN 2: It’s an ancient method of writing, in which the lines run alternatively from right to left and from left to right.

[ Panel 2 ]
GENTLEMAN 1: Yes, but WHY did you write this?

[ Panel 3 ]
:: The first gentleman present the paper to the second, further is inquiry. The paper is full of the following words: BOOBiE BONERS BOOBIE BONERS BOOBIE BONERS BOOBIE BOOBIE BONERS BOOBiE BONERS BOOBIE BONERS BOOBIE DICKS DiCks DiCks DICKS AND BOOBIES… These highly descriptive and brilliant string of words go on and on like this for quite some time. ::